Thursday, 15 August 2013

Know your player....

Whenever coaches step on the field, they need to know that this is a small amount of time where they will greatly affect the lives of other people.  As you are about to begin practice on the field, I believe it's really crucial that you enter into your session almost like you prepare for a game.

Sessions that are timely, organized, and varied are a great start.  Changing things up continuously will manifest how well you know your trade.  Keep in mind what works for some individuals and what doesn't.  As much as you teach in your sessions, you will find that you also learn so much about the players you are interacting with.  

Remember that even young players will not care about what you know until they find out how much you care.  Investing in the well being of your players is not only smart coaching, but also truly rewarding.

Many of today's youth spend lots of times looking at computer screens, TV's, smartphones and other devices.  Away from that, they are constantly bombarded by the images and societal pressures we all felt as young members of our society.  

As a coach, you have a unique opportunity to shape and mold the direction of your players lives.  Become a visionary, a leader, and decide how each one of your sessions fits into your long term view of sport.  

Like our teachers in school, we must also have a syllabus for months down the road.  Looking at the big picture will keep you from getting bogged down and overwhelmed with your individual practices.  If you need help making a plan, ask others, look online, or just shoot me an email.  I'm always open to helping out other coaches.

Best wishes and remember that behind every great player, is a great mentor, coach and support system.  

May the posts be with you.......

Joe Cannon

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