Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Hello my name is Joe Cannon and I am here to write about the soccer goalkeeper.  After playing goalie for over 25 years, I wanted to give back to the community and the "union" which has given me so many great memories and experiences in my life.

So many people have asked me over the years the best ways to improve their skills as a goalkeeper.  Obviously, most of these questions have come from the younger members of our goalkeeping community and many of these future blog posts will be addressed to their needs.  I am open to all questions and comments and can be reached at GKUnion101@gmail.com.

My first advice to the younger goalkeeper is to not fear mistakes.  When you are new to anything in life, the way you learn is to try and fail.  These failures are necessary in your quest for success.  This blog could not fit all the characters it would take to let you know about all the "bad" goals I have given up in my career.  Even at my age, I can learn from all of them, and for the most part, I have.

Whether it's practice or games, the goalkeeper cannot become victim of fear.  In order to prevent the anxiety and circumstance of game play, each goalie must be the individual to put themselves in pressure situations.  This "self-pressure" must be dedicated to getting the most out of your practices.  Not in the sense of results, but rather the dedication to perfection in your effort, attention to detail, as well as an enthusiastic attitude to constantly learn from your coaches, fellow players, and of course, your mistakes.

In the next coming posts, I will give you some specific ways to start working on your game.  Until then, go out and make some mistakes.  From my experience, it's the best, and really, the most productive way to learn.

May the posts be with you!

Joe Cannon

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